While expressing commitment to address remedy seekers’ pleas in speedy manner Thursday Chief Justice of Peshawar High Court Justice Ishtiaq Ibrahim announced bringing a new model for prison reforms in collaboration with the police, home department and other stakeholders. He was talking to journalists saying efforts are being made to reduce the backlog of pending cases. The Chief Justice (CJ) Peshawar High Court (PHC) stated, “We will create our own model for prison reforms instead of following any other country’s model in this regard”. He also highlighted the overcrowding in multiple prisons in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, where jails with a capacity of 100 inmates are housing up to 400 prisoners. He pointed out that many jails lack adequate facilities, especially considering the seasonal weather conditions. He also called for improving facilities in women’s and juvenile jails. The Chief Justice also lamented that there is no proper legislation to run the Dar-ul-Aman (shelter homes). Justice Ibrahim said 90 percent of prisoners apprehended in drug charges are addicts, which places a severe burden on the jails. He stressed that these individuals should be placed in rehabilitation centers instead of jails. He also called for the establishment of specialised rehabilitation centers for drug addicts. He further said efforts are being made to reduce the backlog of pending cases.