Hollywood actors Vin Diesel and Dwayne Johnson shared an awkward moment at the Golden Globes 2025 after their reported feud during the ‘Fast and Furious’ films. The award ceremony saw Vin Diesel arriving at the stage to present an award to ‘Wicked.’ However, his appearance at the Golden Globes 2025 took an interesting turn when he took a moment to give a shout-out to Dwayne Johnson. “Hey, Dwayne,” he said as the camera cut to Johnson who was seen awkwardly smiling in the crowd. Meanwhile, the audience erupted in laughter as the shout-out ignited the debate around their feud. Their Golden Globes 2025 moment came years after their reported feud when the two Hollywood stars worked together in the ‘Fast and Furious’ films. In 2023, the dispute between Vin Diesel and Dwayne Johnson came to an official end after the latter appeared as Luke Hobbs in a ‘Fast X’ mid-credits scene. Reports later said that Vin Diesel had invited Dwayne Johnson in November 2021 to join ‘Fast X,’ however, the Hollywood star refused to return to the franchise. The two Hollywood stars seemed to have resolved their issues as they are set to star in the eleventh title of the ‘Fast and Furious’ franchise. It is worth noting that the infamous feud began in 2016 when Dwayne Johnson slammed a ‘chicken shit’ co-star on Instagram. Several suggested that the Hollywood star was referring to Vin Diesel, who in 2021 said that he gave ‘tough love’ to The Rock to get a great performance. “It was a tough character to embody, the Hobbs character. My approach at the time was a lot of tough love to assist in getting that performance where it needed to be. As a producer to say, ‘Okay, we’re going to take Dwayne Johnson, who’s associated with wrestling, and we’re going to force this cinematic world, audience members, to regard his character as someone that they don’t know,'” the Hollywood star said at the time.