Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) Gujranwala Zone apprehended two human traffickers during an ongoing crackdown in Gujrat on Friday. According to FIA spokesperson, two traffickers– Mohammad Raza and Mehdi Hassan, were arrested in recent raids conducted across the region.Accused Raza fraudulently took 1.3 million rupees from a citizen, claiming to offer a job in Canada. He had been wanted by the FIA Composite Circle Gujrat since 2016. Meanwhile, Mehdi Hassan swindled 130,000 rupees from a complainant by promising to send him to Iran. He had been on the run since 2020 and was wanted by the FIA Composite Circle Gujranwala. Both suspects failed to fulfill their promises and disappeared after collecting money from the victims. Director Abdul Qadir Qamar emphasized that all available resources were being utilized to arrest the suspects involved in similar crimes.Investigations were underway.