The most beloved Pakistani show Kabhi Main Kabhi Tum which garnered widespread recognition because of the storyline and brilliant acting skills by the cast is all set to return to television screens on public demand. The popular show Kabhi Main Kabhi Tum with essence of romance which resonated with every individual, ended on November this year. But on public demand, the show is all set to grace the small screen. The makers took to Instagram and shared the announcement and sparked a wave of excitement among fans. Along with the poster, the caption read, “KABHI MAIN KABHI TUM is back on public demand! Watch the spellbinding tale of love, passion, and emotions. Kabhi Main Kabhi Tum starts from 31st Dec, daily at 10:00 PM only on #ARYDigital.” As soon as the post was dropped, fans went gaga and flooded the comment section with much excitement. One user wrote, “Sukun mila mujhe”. Another user wrote, “Finally ajayega”. “Yeh koi khwab toh nai dekh rahi hai”, wrote the third user. Few fans even demanded second season for the show as well. One user wrote, “We want season 2”. Another user wrote, “Wahi phr se q dkhana ha bhai new nikl lo season 2”. “Kya mtlb season 2 ka bol rahay hai kya”, wrote the third user. Kabhi Main Kabhi Tum tells the story when opposites attract with the love story between a bibliophile, topper and a sorted girl with a practical approach and a laid-back guy. The show stars Fahad Mustafa, Hania Aamir and Emmad Irfani. Kabhi Main Kabhi Tum premiered on July 2 and ended on November 5 this year.