A-list film and TV star Neelam Muneer Khan shared her two cents on people undergoing anti-ageing treatments and beauty procedures to look younger than their age. In a conversation with an aesthetician, on her podcast, Neelam Muneer Khan, who started working and appeared on screen quite early on in her life, shared her thoughts on the artificial treatments and procedures to delay the process of ageing. Khan advised girls not to worry about fine lines, wrinkles and other symptoms of ageing as it only adds to the beauty and grace. “I believe that beauty and grace come with age only. So you don’t need to worry about fine lines and all, because it makes you prettier when you are natural and makes you stand out as an individual among others,” she said. Khan continued, “When people undergo many beauty procedures and get a lot of work done on their faces, they all start to look the same.” “Therefore, one should have this confidence in them that I don’t want to get anything done to myself and I am fine, I look good like this only,” she advised and maintained, “However, if you want to get it done, it’s totally up to you.” On the work front, Neelam Muneer Khan has numerous hit projects to her credit, some of which include ‘Shehre-Dil Kay Darwazay’, ‘Umm-e-Kulsoom’, ‘Kahani Aik Raat Ki’, ‘Rang Laaga’, ‘Judai’, ‘Bikhray Moti’ and ‘Pyar Deewangi Hai’ among others.