In an initiative of the Sindh Sports and Youth Affairs Department, under supervision of the District Sports Office Hyderabad, hosted a thrilling seven-day Under-16 Winter Camp at the Hyderabad HESCO Ground. The momentous event, graced by Divisional Director Sindh Information Department Hyderabad Irshad Ali Chandio as the chief guest, aimed to nurture the sporting talents of young athletes. In event the internationally qualified coaches imparted invaluable verbal and practical training to Under-16 children and young players in various sports. District Sports Officer Maryam Keerio made a visit to the winter training camp, where she emphasized the significance of respecting sports coaches, likening them to revered teachers. She attributed the success of Hyderabad’s young athletes, who have risen to national and international prominence, to the tireless efforts of Sindh Provincial Minister for Sports and Youth Affairs Muhammad Bux Mehar. The District Sports Officer further stressed the importance of identifying and nurturing young sporting talent from the grassroots level, providing them with a solid foundation to excel in their chosen sport. She praised the Sindh Sports and Youth Affairs Department for providing a platform for young players to hone their skills, become elite athletes, and bring glory to the nation. The ceremony was attended by distinguished guests, including International Coach Mustaqeem Ansari, Director Physical Education Sanam Baloch, Skating Coach Kabir, Former district Sports Officer Irshad Makhdoom, Information Officer Ghulam Shabir Arain, Information Officer Sobia Saleem, and proud parents of the participating children.