Punjab Chief Secretary Zahid Akhtar Zaman inaugurated the Bhagat Singh Gallery at Poonch House on Monday. On the directives of Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz, the gallery has been established at Poonch House to honor the legacy of freedom fighter Bhagat Singh. The gallery showcases Bhagat Singh’s struggle for independence through a collection of historical photographs, letters, and newspaper clippings. Notably, the sedition case against Bhagat Singh was heard at Poonch House during British rule. Tourists will now have access to Poonch House under an agreement between the Departments of Industry, Commerce, and Tourism. During his visit, the Chief Secretary also inspected the construction and restoration work of the historic Poonch House building, which was originally built in 1849. Under the leadership of Secretary Industries and Commerce, Ehsan Bhatta, the historically significant Poonch House has been restored to its original grandeur. The event was attended by the Secretaries of Communications and Works, Tourism, the Director General of Archaeology, and other officers.