Chief Secretary Sindh, Syed Asif Haider Shah, has directed concerned officials to ensure the success of the upcoming seven-day polio eradication campaign, starting on December 16. Chairing a review meeting of the Divisional Polio Task Force readiness at the Divisional Commissioner Office, Shahbaz Building Hyderabad, Chief Secretary Asif Haider Shah emphasized the need for concerted efforts to eradicate polio from the province. The meeting was attended by Divisional Commissioner Bilal Ahmed Memon, DIG Hyderabad Tariq Razak Dharejo, SSP Hyderabad Dr Farrukh Ali Lanjar, Deputy Commissioner Hyderabad Zain-ul-Abidin Memon, DHO Hyderabad, WHO Focal Person and other stakeholders. All Deputy Commissioners of the division participated in the meeting by video link. Divisional Commissioner Hyderabad Bilal Ahmed Memon gave briefings to Chief Secretary Sindh on the preparations for the anti-polio campaign. Chief Secretary Sindh Asif Haider stressed that all officials, from UCMOs to Deputy Commissioners, should be aware of the challenges faced by polio workers. The Union Councils are our basic level, and team coordination strengthens a district, he said. It is essential for polio workers in Union Councils to be trained, Lack of training may hinder the polio campaign. He added Chief Secretary Sindh Asif Haider directed officials to ensure that polio eradication officers at the UC level monitor polio teams, train them to possess sufficient information for a comprehensive briefing during monitoring visits. Commissioner Hyderabad Bilal Ahmed Memon stated that preparations for the current polio campaign are more comprehensive compared to previous campaigns. All Deputy Commissioners, DHOs, and police officers have been briefed on the preparations. Commissioner added that Mukhtiarkars and ACs at the union level are fully cooperating, but vaccination teams still require training to address complications encountered during the polio campaign. According to Commissioner Hyderabad, 17 polio cases have been reported across Sindh, with three cases confirmed in Hyderabad Division. There is an urgent need to address the persistent poliovirus cases.