Pakistani superstar Fahad Mustafa has confirmed that he working on the first-ever superhero film of the country. During his recent outing in London, U.K., where the multitalented actor, host and producer was honoured with two awards from the British Parliament, Fahad Mustafa confirmed that he has the first-ever Pakistani and Muslim superhero film in the works. “I’m making a superhero film which is also going to be the first-ever Pakistani superhero film,” he said. “I don’t want to disclose too much but it will also be the first Muslim superhero,” added the ‘Kabhi Main Kabhi Tum’ star about the ‘tricky’ project. More details about the cast and crew of the groundbreaking project are awaited. Notably, Fahad Mustafa achieved a historic milestone earlier this week, receiving two prestigious awards from the British Parliament, making him the first Pakistani actor to be honoured by both Houses of Parliament. In recognition of his significant contributions, Mustafa was honoured with the ‘Diversity and Cultural Impact Award’ from the House of Commons and the ‘Global Cultural Unity Award’ from the House of Lords. Meanwhile, on the work front, Fahad Mustafa made his drama comeback in the mega-buster drama serial ‘Kabhi Main Kabhi Tum’, co-starring Hania Aamir.