Film and TV actor Zara Noor Abbas gave it back to trolls criticising the celebrity for her fashion choices in the latest social media post. Taking to her Instagram handle earlier this week, Zara Noor Abbas posted a new photo dump from her latest outing, probably to a shopping festival in the city. The six-picture gallery captioned with, “Schedule worry time,” captured Abbas flaunting her unconventional outfit, compromising of a pair of blue denim pants and a tulle, layered dress, finished off with a white graphic tee. The fashionista wore black boots and a matching cross-body bag along and even took her accessories experimenting a notch higher. While the ‘Parey Hut Love’ star completely owned her look and flaunted the fit with confidence, social users targeted the celebrity for her free-spirited fashion choices, with many advising Abbas to improve her dressing sense. However, the actor made sure to take no unsolicited advice whatsoever and clapped back at the trolls with befitting replies. Being one of the most followed celebrities on the social platform Instagram, Zara Noor Abbas is quite frequent with her posting game, giving a peek into her personal as well as professional life.