Pakistani superstar Mahira Khan has once again captured the internet’s attention, this time with a video of her dancing to the popular Bollywood song Laila Mein Laila. The song, which originally featured in her Bollywood debut film Raees opposite Shah Rukh Khan, has a special place in the hearts of her fans. In the video shared on Instagram, Mahira is seen effortlessly dancing in a chic outfit-a pair of blue pants paired with a white silk top. Her confident moves and radiant smile have resonated with her followers, making the video go viral across social media platforms. Captioning the video, Mahira wrote, “We work really hard… but it’s important to have fun every chance we get.” Her post has been widely appreciated, with fans praising her for balancing work with moments of joy. Mahira Khan, who is known for her remarkable performances in both Pakistani and Bollywood films, will soon be making her debut in the Netflix series Jo Bache Hain Sang Samet Lo. The series has generated significant buzz and her fans are eagerly awaiting its release. With her latest viral moment, anticipation for her upcoming project has only heightened.