After Bollywood king Shah Rukh Khan, South Indian superstar Mahesh Babu joined Disney’s ‘Mufasa: The Lion King’, to voice the titular character. Mahesh Babu is set to voice Mufasa in the Telugu dubbed version of the photorealistic animated musical-drama, confirmed the studio on Wednesday. Speaking about the special collaboration, the ‘Businessman’ actor stated, “I have always admired Disney’s blockbuster legacy of entertainment and timeless storytelling; the character of Mufasa appeals to me not only as a loving father guiding his son but as the supreme king of the jungle taking care of his clan.” “My family means everything to me and this collaboration with Disney is personally very special as it is an experience I will cherish with my children,” he added. “I am looking forward to when my family as well as my fans will be watching Mufasa: The Lion King in Telugu on the big screen.” The Telugu trailer will be released on August 26. It is pertinent to note here that Shah Rukh Khan lends his voice to the titular character, in the Hindi version of the film, whereas, both his sons Aryan and AbRam join him to voice Simba and young Mufasa respectively. Both a prequel and sequel to the 2019 remake of Irene Mecchi, Jonathan Roberts and Linda Woolverton’s ‘The Lion King’, Barry Jerkins ‘Mufasa: The Lion King’ is scheduled to hit theatres on December 20.