Bollywood megastar Shah Rukh Khan opened up on his love for receiving awards as he revealed having a dedicated library for his more than 300 trophies. In a new interview, with a foreign-based publication, Shah Rukh Khan shared his love for his prized possessions, more than 300 awards that he has received in his career of over three decades and reveals how he stores all those trophies. “I enjoy it. I am very shameless about this! I love the ceremony. I love getting awards,” he confessed. “I get a little nervous if I have to give speeches. Especially with international awards, because then I need to make sure Indian cinema is presented well. I have to be on my best behaviour. I have to control my sense of humour. Because cinema for India is such an important thing,” SRK added. When asked if he has a particular trophy cabinet at his home, the ‘Jawan’ actor replied, “I do. It’s bigger than this room! I have 300 awards. I have a nine-storey office and on every floor, I have some of the awards.” “Actually, it’s not a trophy room. It’s a library which is designed like an English library,” Khan disclosed. It is pertinent to note here that Shah Rukh Khan, who has appeared in more than 100 films in his career spanning over 35 years, is the recipient of several acting as well as non-acting honours, including Padma Shri by the Government of India, Order of Arts and Letters and Legion of Honour by the Government of France, Malaysia’s Brand Laureate Legendary Award, UK’s Global Diversity Award and the latest being Lifetime Achievement Award at the Locarno Film Festival.