Sindh Chief Minister (CM) Murad Ali Shah on Thursday handed over Rs50m cheque, the traditional souvenir of Ajrak and Topi to javelin thrower Arshad Nadeem for winning gold medal at the Paris Olympics. Nadeem won the javelin throw event in Paris with an Olympic Games record of 92.97 metres, pushing India’s Neeraj Chopra to second spot. As per details, Arshad Nadeem visited Sindh CM House at the invitation of Syed Murad Ali Shah. The chief minister handed over Rs50 mln cheque and also announced Rs5mln for star javelin thrower’s coach. Speaking on the occasion, Nadeem expressed his gratitude to the chief minister for honoring his efforts and said Shah was the first who congratulated him even before getting a medal. Sindh CM also extended his government’s full support to the sportsman on behalf of PPP Chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari. During the meeting, Sindh Sports Minister Muhammad Bux Mahar also presented a cheque to the star javelin thrower in his personal capacity, while Saeed Ghani, minister for LB, announced to name a road in Karachi after Arshad Nadeem. Earlier on August 14, Sindh Governor also invited Arshad Nadeem to the Governor’s House to acknowledge his achievement at the international level.