A-list actor Mahira Khan revealed her favourite gift out of all the amazing presents her husband Salim Karim gave her and it’s rather unexpected. In a recent closet tour video, with her digital magazine Mashion, Mahira Khan disclosed her most favourite gifts to give and receive. Khan shared that even though she is not a miser, she loves to give people handwritten notes and letters rather than material things only. Speaking about her favourite gifts to receive, she said, “My husband gives me really nice presents.” The ‘Aik Hai Nigar’ star continued, “The last present he gave, I somehow have lost but I don’t understand how. I think it has been stolen and whoever did that is going to go to hell because he thinks I lost it but I did not, I had it with me.” “Out of all the things he gets me, my favourite thing is the bangles he gets me every Eid,” she further divulged. Pertinent to note that Mahira Khan tied the knot with the entrepreneur and CEO of a Pakistan-based startup Salim Karim in an intimate Bhurban wedding, in October last year.