The global fame of Bollywood superstar Salman Khan is largely due to Aamir Khan’s refusal to take on a main role. Indian media reports that Aamir Khan was first selected to play the role of “Prem” in the highly anticipated movie “Hum Aapke Hain Koun,” which stars Madhuri Dixit. But because he didn’t like the writing, Aamir declined the offer. Salman Khan was having trouble launching his career at the moment. Salman was then offered the part by the filmmakers and he took it right away without realizing that it would be the start of his hugely successful career. Fans praised Salman Khan’s portrayal of “Prem” in large measure. In addition to making him famous, the role made him a Bollywood romantic hero. A star-studded cast, including Anupam Kher, Renuka Shahane, Reema Lagoo, Mohnish Bahl, and Alok Nath, starred in the 1994 film “Hum Aapke Hain Koun”. Despite having a 45 million rupee budget, the movie brought in almost 1.35 billion rupees globally.