Renewed Bollywood filmmaker Farah Khan and Sajid Khan’s mother Menaka Irani passed away on Friday, days after celebrating her 79th birthday. Several Indian media outlets reported that Irani had been ailing for some time now as Farah Khan had revealed in an Instagram post that her mother had undergone ‘multiple surgeries’. Following the news of her passing, Bollywood veterans began arriving at Farah Khan’s house to pay their respect to Menaka Irani. Actresses Shilpa Shetty and Rani Mukerji along with Bhushan Kumar, Fardeen Khan, Maniesh Paul and Sanjay Kapoor were among the industry members to have arrived at the director’s residence. Days earlier, the “Om Shanti Om” director had penned a heartfelt note on Instagram to show gratitude to her mother on her 79th birthday. “We all take our mothers for granted, especially me! This last month has been a revelation on how much i lov my mom Menka.. she’s been the strongest, bravest person iv ever seen.. sense of humour intact even after multiple surgeries,” Farah Khan wrote in the post. Farah’s brother, Sajid Khan also shared a photo of himself with Menaka Irani and Farah, writing, “Happy Birthday mummy” Menaka Irani was the sister of actor Daisy Irani and screenwriter Honey Irani. Filmmakers Zoya and Farhan Akhtar are her niece and nephew.