‘Sanak’, a highly anticipated Pakistani psychological thriller, is scheduled for a wide theatrical release on August 16, 2024. The film, which has faced several delays due to censorship issues since September 2023, will now be screened in Pakistan, also in international markets including the Middle East, UK and various European countries. Starring Shyraa Roy, Muneeb Ali and Zubair Shariq, ‘Sanak’ is described as a blend of love, fear and mystery. The plot revolves around a psychopathic lover’s obsession with a film actress, leading to a series of murders targeting her family members. The film is directed by Hassan Fareed, with a script by Vikram Bhatt, known for directing ‘Raaz’. Roy Motion Pictures produced the movie in association with Imdad Hussain Productions, while Zain Wali of Wali Films is handling its distribution in Pakistan. ‘Sanak’ also promises a soundtrack featuring soulful melodies, which will be exclusively available on B4U Music. This international release marks a significant step for Pakistani cinema, showcasing its potential to reach global audiences with compelling storytelling and high-quality production values.