Some of the most heart-warming reactions to the latest turn of events in ‘Kabhi Main Kabhi Tum’ came in from lead actor Hania Aamir’s home. At this point, Hania Aamir’s house help, Fari, is a social media personality herself, thanks to her frequent outings on the actor’s Instagram handle and similar to all the viewers, who were not ready for the heart-breaking turn of events in the recently-aired episode 2 of ‘Kabhi Main Kabhi Tum’, Fari had a similar reaction to Sharjeena’s wedding being called off. In a new BTS dump of the serial by Hania, Fari made a special appearance, reviewing the latest development. She was seen getting misty-eyed at the painful refusal of Adeel to marry Sharjeena and showed her anticipation for the next episode. For the unversed, ‘Kabhi Main Kabhi Tum’, which marked the much-awaited small-screen acting comeback of superstar Fahad Mustafa, opposite Hania, started airing last week.