Senior Pakistani actor Tauqeer Nasir has claimed that Bollywood’s megastar Shah Rukh Khan copied one of his roles from the Pakistani dramas. The Raees star did not even mentioned this thing anywhere,” complains Nasir. To be particular, he said Khan’s role in ‘Kabhi Alvida Naa Kehna’ was exactly similar to his performance in the play ‘Parwaaz’. He said thought Khan is a kind of person who usually praises many people but in his case, the Dunki star has been a disappointment as he fails to give due credit. According to Nasir, ‘Kabhi Alvida Naa Kehna’ was essentially based on the story of ‘Parwaaz’, written by the renowned author Mustansar Hussain Tarar. He asserted that Shah Rukh and more importantly, the filmmaker Karan Johar, should have given him credit for this inspiration.