BCCI secretary Jay Shah has confirmed that Rohit Sharma will continue as captain for both ODI and Test formats, leading India in the 2025 Champions Trophy scheduled to be held in Pakistan. Shah expressed strong confidence in Sharma’s leadership, stating, “I am confident that under the captaincy of Rohit Sharma, we will win the WTC Final and the Champions Trophy.” His statement was made in a video shared by the BCCI. Under Rohit’s leadership, India recently ended an 11-year ICC title drought by defeating South Africa by seven runs in the T20 World Cup final in Barbados. Shah highlighted this achievement, noting, “This was our third final within a year. Last year on June 11, we lost the WTC final. On November 19, after winning 10 matches, we won hearts but not the ODI World Cup. However, as I had said earlier this year in Rajkot, India went on to win hearts and the World Cup under Rohit’s leadership.”