Pakistani actress Sanam Saeed has delighted her fans by sharing glimpses from the set of the upcoming Indian web series “Barzakh.” Taking to Instagram, she posted a series of nine photos showcasing the scenic beauty and challenges faced during the filming of “Barzakh.” In the photos, the Zindagi Gulzar Hai actress is seen amidst a backdrop of rugged mountains, alongside masked women in red abayas, capturing the essence of the series. She also shared insights into her shooting experience in a heartfelt caption, describing it as magical, challenging, and exhilarating. “A glimpse from the sets of Barzakh which was a magical, challenging and exhilarating experience,” wrote Sanam Saeed. She recounted the hardships endured during filming, from balancing on cliff edges to braving extreme temperatures and witnessing mountain falls. She hinted at the series’ deep narrative, describing it as a journey from this world to the next. Reflecting philosophically, the actress mused about moments of being stuck in life and the choices that lead to freedom. She emphasized the significance of decisions before and after such moments in shaping one’s destiny. Directed by Pakistani director Asim Abbas and produced by ZEE5, “Barzakh” stars Sanam Saeed alongside renowned actor Fawad Khan. Fawad Khan portrays the role of ‘Chitrali Nawab,’ a polo player trainer, while Sanam Saeed is likely to portray a British character. The eagerly anticipated web series is set to premiere on Zindagi YouTube and ZEE5 on July 19, promising an intriguing blend of drama and scenic beauty.