Four picnickers drowned in Arabian Sea at Karachi’s Hawkes Bay beach rescue sources said on Wednesday. According to rescue officials, three persons among the four drowned in the sea including a woman have been rescued, while a search has been underway to trace unaccounted fourth person Shaharyar. Rescue officials said that all four of them belong to same family and residents of the Federal B Area of Karachi. Earlier, the Sindh government, imposed section 144 in the coastal areas of Karachi with a ban on swimming in the sea during the holidays of Eid-ul-adha. Authorities said that precautions being taken to protect lives of picnickers who visit the city’s beaches during eid holidays. The District South Police has confirmed that police officers are stationed at the beach to prevent citizens from swimming in the sea at unguarded beeches. The ban is a preventive measure taken by the authorities, and beachgoers have been requested to comply and refrain from potentially hazardous swimming into the sea.