Weeks after firing outside his Mumbai home, the notorious Lawrence Bishnoi gang has planned another attack on Bollywood superstar Salman Khan, reportedly at his Panvel farmhouse. As per the reports from Indian news agencies, another attempted attack was planned on Salman Khan while he was on his way to his Panvel farmhouse, disclosed the Mumbai police. The officials also confirmed that four members of the Bishnoi gang were arrested last week under suspicion of plotting a second attack. Deputy Commissioner of Police Vivek Pansare shared that the arrested accused, identified as Dhananjay Tapesingh alias Ajay Kashyap, Gaurav Bhatia alias Nahvi, Vapsi Khan alias Waseem Chikna and Rizwan Khan, stayed in Panvel and had been planning to target the ‘Tiger 3’ star for a long time. “Bishnoi has several groups working independently of each other and we suspect one gang was conducting a recce in Panvel while the other was in Mumbai,” he stated. Reports also suggest that one of the accused was in touch with someone to buy AK-47 guns for the attack and had planned to hide, before meeting in Kanyakumari to leave the country for Sri Lanka.