Talented Pakistani actor Mehar Bano has said she is desirous to display her acting prowess in Bollywood, but she knows it would be difficult due to frosty ties between India and Pakistan. Mehar Bano says she always hopes that the artistic exchange between India and Pakistan will resume, believing her show Qatil Haseenaon Ke Naam is a step towards resumption of artistic exchange. Mehar Bano is a super talented and beautiful Pakistani actress best known for her unique roles in drama serials like Daagh, Mor Mohal, Balaa, Mere Paas Tum Ho and Churails. In her latest Instagram video, Mehar Bano can be seen dancing to the song ‘Can’t Get Enough’ by Raghav. Mehar Bano earlier drew fans’ attention with a hot dance video in which she had donned an orange tube top and matching pants. In 2021, Mehar Bano was part of ZEE5 and Zindagi’s noir anthology series, Qatil Haseenaon Ke Naam, helmed by British-Indian director Meenu Gaur. News desk