Soha Ali Khan on Wednesday treated fans with a glimpse of her sister Saba Pataudi’s birthday celebration. Taking to Instagram, Soha shared a series of photos featuring herself, Saif Ali Khan, Kareena Kapoor, and other family members. In the first picture, Soha, Saif, Kareena, Ibrahim Ali Khan, Taimur, Jeh and Inaaya can be seen clapping as birthday girl Saba cuts two delicious cakes. In one of the photos, Kareena hugging and posing Soha’s daughter Inaaya. Earlier, in the day, Kareena Kapoor took a stroll down memory lane to share throwback pictures with her sister-in-law on the latter’s birthday. “Happy birthday Saba dearest. Love you. God bless you,” she captioned the images. Saba is the second child of legendary cricketer Mansoor Ali Khan Pataudi and veteran actress Sharmila Tagore. She is the sister of actors Saif Ali Khan and Soha Ali Khan. Unlike other members of the Pataudi family, Saba kept herself away from the limelight. She is a jewellery designer by profession. Saba is an active social media user. She often treats Instagram users to unseen pictures of the Pataudi family.