In what the company titled “limited time offer”, Pak Suzuki Motor Company announced a price decrease of up to Rs710,000 for its Swift variants. “Keeping in view the prevailing market conditions and dynamics, we are pleased to announce the promotional retail sales prices of Suzuki Swift w.e.f. May 01, 2024,” read the notice. With the latest revision, Swift GL MT will now be sold at Rs Rs4,336,000, with a drop of Rs85,000 from its previous price Rs4,421,000. Swift GL CVT will now be available at Rs4,560,000 after a decline of Rs159,000 from its previous price Rs4,719,000. The largest fall in prices was witnessed in Swift GLX CVT, which reduced from Rs5,429,000 to Rs4,719,000, a decrease of Rs710,000. The revised retail prices are inclusive of FED and Sales Tax and exclusive of Advance Income Tax, read the notice. On Monday, Lucky Motor Corporation announced a massive decrease in the price of KIA’s Stonic EX+ in Pakistan. With the latest revision, KIA’s Stonic EX+ would now be sold at Rs4,767,000, with a drop of Rs1,513,000 from its previous price Rs6,280,000. The price revision takes effect from April 29.