Renowned Pakistani actors Ayeza Khan and Feroze Khan will share the screen in an upcoming project. According to media reports, both the talented actors are all set to appear in new drama series. The new drama would be directed by Farooq Rind, who just recently gave super-hit Ishq Murshid. The script would be written by Misbah Nosheen. Ayeza and Feroze are two immensely skilled Pakistani actors with massive social media followings. Ayeza Khan is currently receiving praise for her role as Mahnoor in Jaan E Jahan, while Feroze Khan is being lauded for his performance in Akhara. Ayeza Khan has earlier given many super-hits including Chupke Chupke, Pyarey Afzal, Meray Paas Tum Ho and Chand Tara.