Renowned Pakistani model, actress and entertainer Fiza Ali found herself at the centre of a social media storm after she shared a dance video on her Instagram account. The video, showcasing Fiza executing signature Michael Jackson dance moves to a captivating musical beat, quickly garnered attention from her followers and critics alike. Fiza, known for her versatile talents displayed in iconic Pakistani dramas such as “Mehndi,” “Sath Nibhana hay” and “Shaam Dhalay,” as well as her popular hosting stint on the show “Taron Say Karain Batain,” stunned fans with her graceful performance in the video. Clad in a stylish Western ensemble featuring a black top, high-waisted wide-leg jeans, and a chic black cap, Fiza exuded confidence as she showcased her dancing prowess from the comfort of her room. However, the video soon became a subject of controversy as it elicited mixed reactions from netizens. While many praised Fiza for her exceptional dance skills and applauded her for embracing her passion for dance, others criticized her for what they perceived as an inappropriate display of Western dance moves. Some conservative quarters expressed concerns over the cultural implications of Fiza’s performance, citing it as a departure from traditional Pakistani values. The debate surrounding the video quickly escalated on social media platforms, with fervent discussions on the boundaries of cultural expression and individual freedom. Amid the heated discourse, supporters of Fiza rallied behind her, emphasizing the importance of artistic expression and applauding her for fearlessly pursuing her passion. They lauded her for breaking stereotypes and urged critics to embrace diversity in entertainment.