Bollywood actor and younger brother-in-law of Salman Khan, Aayush Sharma recalled apologising to the latter after his debut film ‘Loveyatri’. In a recent interview with Indian RJ Siddharth Kannan, Aayush Sharma, who made his Bollywood debut in 2018 with Salman Khan’s ‘Loveyatri’, remembered apologising to him on call with tears in his eyes. Sharma opened up on the social media narrative, accusing him of marrying Arpita Khan to get the big break in Bollywood. He shared, “People don’t know that when I got married I told Salman Khan that I don’t want to pursue acting.” “I told him ‘Trust me, I gave 300 auditions and couldn’t even crack two, I can’t do it.’ Salman said ‘Son your training is not good, I’ll train you’,” recounted the ‘Antim’ actor. “The narrative was created that I am blowing up my brother-in-law’s money. Should I share my income tax details? When Salman called me during Loveyatri, I had tears in my eyes. I said ‘Sorry, I blew up your money.’ When Antim’s digital rights were sold to satellite and OTT platforms, I was relieved,” he detailed. It is worth mentioning here that Aayush Sharma comes from a political family with his father Anil Sharma being a BJP politician and his grandfather Pandit Sukh Ram, a veteran Congress leader. He is married to the youngest sister of Salman Khan, Arpita. Meanwhile, on the work front, Sharma is awaiting the release of his next film, Karan Lalit Butani’s action flick ‘Ruslaan’, co-starring Sushrii Shreya Mishraa, Jagapathi Babu and Vidya Malvade. ‘Ruslaan’ is slated to hit theatres later this week, on April 26.