Actor Zhalay Sarhadi has a very valid question to ask all career-oriented individuals in yet another entertaining reel going viral on social media. Zhalay Sarhadi took to Instagram on Wednesday with another funny reel, asking quite a valid question about being career-oriented in life. The ‘Pinjra’ actor mimicked a funny script in the video, asking why she should be the one to focus on her career always and not the other way around. “Intrusive 3 AM thoughts,” read the text overlay on the clip, published with the caption, “When you want to snooze off but. Yeh baatain, yeh sawaal, no haal.” The now-viral video was played by thousands of her followers on Gram and received several likes and comments for the celebrity. It should be noted that Zhalay Sarhadi is quite consistent with the entertaining content on her social media handles and often posts funny Instagram reels and trending TikTok videos for her fans. Earlier, the actor spoke about the contrasting style of compliments of local people and foreigners. “Bahar kay aur yahan kay haalaat,” she had written in the caption with an emoji.