Pakistani drama heartthrob Bilal Abbas Khan performed Umrah with his mother and brother over the weekend. The handsome hunk of the Pakistani drama industry, Bilal Abbas Khan embarked on the journey to Makkah with his family to perform Umrah around Eid this year. The ‘Balaa’ star refrained from making any public announcement about his journey to maintain his privacy during the pilgrimage, however, the die-hard fans of the celebrity still managed to capture their favourite actor, even as he tried his best to avoid any social media postings. The brief clips of Khan from his time in Masjid-e-Nabwi and while performing Tawaf during Umrah were captured and shared by fans, who were present in the city. Thousands of social users liked the now-viral clips and extended their heartfelt wishes for Khan and his family in the comments section. However, schooled the person for invading his privacy during the spiritual journey. Bilal Abbas Khan is one of the leading and most versatile heroes of the drama industry at the moment, who keeps captivating audiences with his effortless charm, good looks, warm personality and acting prowess in a variety of roles he essays in every project.