Pakistan entertainment industry famous couple Ayeza Khan and Danish Taimur have released their new photos on the occasion of Eidul Fitr. Fans have liked their distinct flair and charisma which is visible in their stunning photoshoot. Fans were infatuated with the ‘Mein’ actress and her husband when they posted a slew of amorous pictures on Instagram. Ayeza looked elegant as she wore a gorgeous white suit by designer Ansab Jahangir. The ensemble included a bodycon shirt with elaborate details paired with a matching set of pyjamas. Her captivating appearance was completed with a white dupatta by Aap. Danish Taimur, looking equally handsome, is dressed to inspire in a white kurta pyjama and a royal coat that go well with his wife’s outfit. The couple, infatuated, held a number of postures for the camera, their happiness and love evident in the pictures. Expressing gratitude, the Chand Tara actress extends Eid greetings to her fans and acknowledges the talented team behind her stunning look. In her caption, she shares the dilemma of choosing the perfect Eid outfit, crediting her trusted designers for their exquisite creations. Fans were quick to congratulate the couple, highlighting their unquestionable charisma and outstanding taste. Heart emojis and sentiments extolling the couple’s beauty present in the comment section.