As the holy month of Ramazan approaches its end with just 11 days remaining, Bollywood icon Salman Khan shared a heartfelt message for his fans. Known for his tradition of celebrating Eidul Fitr with his admirers, ‘Bhaijaan’ took a moment during a recent media interaction to extend his wishes. When asked for his Ramadan message, Salman Khan simply conveyed, “Hamesha se, wish you all the very best. Eid Mubarak, aur dhyaan rakhna sab” (As always, wish you all the very best. Eid Mubarak, and take care everyone). Every year, Salman Khan’s fans eagerly await his appearance at his residence, Galaxy Apartments in Mumbai, where he greets them from his balcony on the auspicious occasion of Eidul Fitr. This year, as the festival is likely to fall on April 11, fans are keen to catch a glimpse of their beloved ‘Bhaijaan’. However, unlike previous years, there will be no new movie release from Salman Khan this Eid. The actor, who has a tradition of treating his fans with a new film on Eid, has announced that his next Eid release will be in 2025 which is the actor’s upcoming venture with renowned director AR Murugadoss. While Salman Khan’s absence from the big screen this Eid may disappoint some fans, they eagerly anticipate his return next year with what is expected to be another blockbuster release.