Helmed by young amazing musician Usman Riaz, Pakistan’s first dedicated hand-drawn animation studio – Mano Animation Studios – is all set to release his much-anticipated hand-drawn animated feature film, The Glassworker, in theatres across the country this summer. The Riaz-founded studio has inked an agreement with Mandviwalla Entertainment – which recently distributed blockbuster Pakistani flick The Legend of Maula Jatt – granting theatrical distribution rights in Pakistan to the later for the hand-drawn animated feature film which was screened at the prestigious Cannes Film Festival in 2023. “Mano Animation Studios and Mandviwalla Entertainment are proud to announce ‘The Glassworker’ will be coming to theatres in Pakistan in Summer 2024,” an official statement read. Commenting on the release of his feature film, the acclaimed artist and now the producer of an animated movie told journalists, “We are honoured to be working with Mandviwalla Entertainment to release the film in Pakistan in Summer 2024. I have been making this film for a long time and have gotten to work with amazing people in Pakistan and internationally. I’m very grateful and excited to share more.” Elaborating on rare features of his animated flick, Riaz said: “‘The Glassworker’ is a traditionally animated film. Each frame is drawn and painted by hand. There is a lot of artistry and work that has gone into each second of the film. And not just in the visuals, but also the sound design and the orchestral music. It has been a labour of love and I am excited for audiences to see it on the big screen.”