Bigg Boss 12 participant Somi Khan and Rakhi Sawant’s ex-husband, Adil Khan Durrani, has exchanged vows in a touching display of love. Adil revealed a collection of images that perfectly captured the spirit of their wedding while posting their special moments to Instagram. Adil’s wedding album opened with a striking photo of the couple clutching a frame bearing their nikah nama. With a genuine smile on her face, Somi looked stunning in a bright red lehnga with embroidery and her groom looked as elegant in a white sherwani with white embroidery. The images also provided a glimpse into the couple’s nikah ceremony, showcasing the joyous union. Accompanying the candid carousel post, Adil penned a heartfelt note expressing gratitude, stating, “We are overjoyed to announce that by the grace of Allah, we have solemnised our Nikkah in a simple and beautiful ceremony. Alhamdulillah, we are thankful for this blessing and we appreciate our families and friends for their love and support.” “We are eager to begin our new journey together as husband and wife. Please remember us in your prayers for a blessed married life. JazakAllah Khair. Adil Khan Durrani-Somi Adil Khan. 03.03.2024,” he capped the note with their wedding date. The announcement received warm wishes and blessings from well-wishers, including Somi’s sister Saba Khan, who commented, “My family,” accompanied by white heart emoticons. Former Bigg Boss 16 contestant Archana Gautam also extended her congratulations, writing, “Wow congratulations.” In January 2023, Rakhi disclosed her marriage to Adil Khan Durrani. The actor shared a series of pictures on Instagram, including their marriage certificate, revealing that the couple had tied the knot on May 29, 2022. Alongside the pictures, Rakhi expressed her happiness, saying, “Finally, I’m happy, so excited and got married. My love is forever unconditional love for you Adil.”