Supermodel-turned-actor Sunita Marshall wins social media with her latest family pictures, from a recent wedding. Taking to her Instagram handle on Thursday, Sunita Marshall treated her 1.1 million followers on the social site, with rare pictures of her whole family, from a recently attended wedding event in Karachi. The four-picture gallery, captioned simply with, “Karachi wedding” and the hashtag ‘family’, sees the ‘Baby Baji’ couple and both their kids, dressed in their festive best for the daytime affair. Thousands of her fans showered their love on the picture post with likes and compliments for the celebrity’s family in the comments section. Pertinent to note that Sunita Marshall married fellow actor Hassan Ahmed in 2009, in Islamic and Catholic ceremonies. The couple shares two children together, a son Raakin and a daughter Zaynah. Meanwhile, on the work front, Marshall was last seen in the blockbuster daily serial ‘Baby Baji’. She swept love for her portrayal of Asma – the second eldest daughter-in-law of the titular character. The ensemble cast is set to return to the small screen with the sequel, ‘Baby Baji Ki Bahuwain’, coming soon only on ARY Digital.