Emerging Indian actor and ‘Bigg Boss 17’ contestant, Ayesha Khan has expressed her interest to star in Pakistani dramas. During a recent podcast outing with an Indian media outlet, Ayesha Khan was asked if she watches Pakistani dramas and what are her thoughts about them, to which, she replied, “I’ve not been catching up to many of them these days but I do watch Pakistani dramas.” She continued, “I love their content and believe that Indian audiences watch and enjoy Pakistani dramas more than the people of their country.” “Even content creators of Pakistan, like that cute kid whose sister’s name is Muskan and then Zainab ke papa, all of them have the majority of their audience from India, so why have differences at heart,” added the ‘Bigg Boss’ alum. Speaking further about her favourite actor from Pakistan, Khan said, “I love Iqra Aziz, she is so beautiful. And the way she carries the character, it’s so good.” Upon being asked if she would be interested in signing a Pakistani production if offered, the celebrity replied, “Yes Yes, for sure, I’m up for it. If anyone is listening, I would love to do a Pakistani drama.”