Women are an integral and respected role in human society. While there were no significant rights for women in the Arabian Peninsula during the Jahiliyyah era, let alone accepting the status of women, they did not even have the right to live in society – the honour and status that Islam has given to women is not an example. It is found in the national history and not in the religious history of the world. Islam has not only defined the rights of women but has given them equal status with men and declared them as complete human beings. The fact is that a woman, be it a mother, sister, wife or daughter, is a precious gift of nature without which everything in the human universe is dull and dull. A woman is like a tree in her own right, which bravely faces all kinds of hot and cold conditions. Today’s advanced age demands that every society should be freed from gender discrimination. Women should be given their rightful place and their basic human rights should be available to them. At the same time, the consciousness should be awakened in women and men that all human beings in the world are respected, and their rights are equal. Education, health and proper employment are the rights of every human being and should be given to him. Speeches, rallies and seminars will not bring any change. Women, who are half of the human population, are generally called and considered the weak gender in our society. It is believed that women’s work is only to do housework, cook, give birth and live in four walls. They have nothing to do with economic affairs and all other aspects of social life. When we look at women in Western societies, we see many problems in the West as well. However, their nature is different. Unfortunately, if seen in Pakistan, the situation is awful, domestic conditions, poverty, poverty, deprivation, deprivation, insurability and inflation, when a woman goes out searching for employment, she is sexually harassed there as well. If a woman gets a job, she has to face sexual discrimination due to the dominance of men in society. Unfortunately, many people working in offices still think that women have no special need to work and often say gender-biased phrases that reflect their thinking. Such comments are not only hurtful, but also hurt their work, and sporadically they even quit their jobs out of desperation. If the same women are engaged in daily household chores, happiness is expressed. Incidents like sexual abuse of women and gang rape are increasing day by day and these incidents, which were considered a joke earlier, are now becoming a daily routine, even innocent girls are not safe from this brutality. Even in today’s modern era, women are being killed in the name of honour. In many areas of Pakistan, women still lack basic education – there is no formal provision for their health and social training. Even today, ignorant customs like karuvari, vita sata, vini and sati are on the rise, and occasionally they are given into the slavery of a man, that too in the name of marriage, women are still considered inferior and inferior. Screaming at women on the move, making fun of them, posting their pictures on social media, blackmailing them and using unethical words have become a daily routine. Women’s names and relationships are used, some women are disfigured by throwing acid and are left destitute for life. So some brother kills her in the name of honour, instead of bringing the criminal to justice for the rape of his sister, he kills his sister. In response, an ignorant decision is made to rape the sister of the criminal and sometimes commit gang rape. Unfortunately, in the eastern, traditional and male-dominated societies, even in this modern era, some fundamental problems must be solved as soon as possible. Nowadays, NGOs are filling their accounts by raising funds in the name of women’s rights and feminism every other day in the name of seminars and workshops in big hotels and helping poor and oppressed women to earn their goals and fame. No NGO is working for women’s rights in the true sense of the word, which can bring any improvement in our society. Speeches, rallies and seminars will not bring any change, women have to claim the importance of their place in society with an open heart, and open mind, stop the hands that torture women, and stand up against these ignorant customs. It has to happen, because of which not only our country but also Islam is being defamed, the government has to take laws seriously and women have to be protected. The writer is a freelance columnist.