Sindh Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah started his Friday morning with surprise visits to check dewater machinery in the low-lying areas and the attendance of officers at the New Secretariat. The Chief Minister of Sindh recently visited low-lying areas in District South, including underpasses, Khaliquzaman Road, Aiwan-e-Saddar Road, the road between Sindh Secretariat and High Court, II Chundrigar Road, and other areas. During his visit, he noticed that in some areas, the machinery of the water board and other suction machines were not installed. As a result, he directed Commissioner Karachi to ensure that the machinery was deployed and to report back to him. The Chief Minister paid a visit to the New Secretariat and was welcomed by the Chief Secretary, Dr Fakhre Alam. During his tour, Murad Ali noticed that some secretaries were absent from their offices at 9:30 a.m. To ensure that the staff follows their example, the CM instructed the Chief Secretary to issue directives to the department’s secretaries to arrive on time at their offices.