Star kid Suhana Khan, of Bollywood superstar Shahrukh Khan, made a new real estate investment in Alibaug, the second in a year. As reported by Indian media outlets, Bollywood’s rising starlet Suhana Khan, who previously purchased farmland in Alibaug, has made her second real estate investment in the beach town, in a year. Reportedly, the ‘Archies’ star has bought a plush beach-facing property this time, for a whopping price. She paid a sum of INR10 crores for the 1.8-acre property, including three structures, built over a carpet area of 1,218,196 and 120 square feet, respectively. According to the details, she also signed a stamp duty of INR57 lacs for the transaction on February 13. Pertinent to note here that ‘agriculturalist’ Suhana, 23, earlier bought a farmland worth INR12.91 crore in Thal village in Alibaug, India. The 1.5-acre agricultural land with 2218 square feet of structures was purchased in June last year. Meanwhile, the Bollywood superstar also owns a sea-facing lavish property in the same village, which is located a 12-minute drive from Alibaug. For the unversed, Suhana is the second-eldest child and the only daughter of Shahrukh Khan. She made her Bollywood debut last year in Zoya Akhtar’s teen musical, ‘The Archies’.