The Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Limited (SNGPL), during its ongoing crackdown against gas pilferers, disconnected another 169 connections besides imposing Rs 2.8 million fine in Punjab, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Islamabad. According to a spokesman of the SNGPL, in Lahore, the regional team disconnected 17 connections on illegal use of gas while another 06 on use of compressor while in Rawalpindi, the team disconnected 7 connections on illegal use of gas while another 4 on use of compressor and amount of Rs 0.31 million against gas theft cases. In Multan 17 connections were disconnected, in Peshawar and Karak 74 meters were disabled and an amount of Rs 2.34 million against gas theft cases. The team also lodged 3 FIRs against gas pilfers. In Sahiwal five connections were disconnected, Sheikhupura 29, Bahawalpur 08, and the regional team of Faisalabad disconnected 2 connections on illegal use of gas and imposed fine of Rs 0.13 million against gas theft cases.