Seasoned television and film actor Afzal Khan moved to tears while remembering his parents and the scarifies they made for him. Appearing at a television show, the actor said, “I can’t stop my tears when I recall my parents, both of whom passed away too early. I didn’t spend ample time with them because I came to Lahore for work. I realised it later. Although, my parents witnessed my fame and success and I served them a lot, they were happy with me, but I regret not spending enough time with them due to work commitments. Now, I often think, ‘I could have spent more time with them’. Also, the biggest regret in my life is I couldn’t express love to my father and like many, I found it difficult to do so. My father made many sacrifices for me, enduring a struggling life. Now, I yearn to spend a day with him. Unfortunately, you can’t bring your parents back. Presently, I make a conscious effort to spend time with my kids, ensuring they won’t have regrets like mine in future.” He talked about his parents’ loss, which is the biggest grief of his life. Afzal Khan is a seasoned Pakistani television and film actor who once ruled the Pakistani film industry with his stellar acting and his iconic roles.