Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) chief Siraj ul Haq on Wednesday said that the decision happens first and the drama in the name of the election happens later in this country. All international organisations have demanded an investigation into the election activity. All organizations have called this election a drama, he held. Referring to the 1970 elections, Siraj ul Haq said that the public mandate was not given importance and in 1977 there was a rigged election again. He said that the nation suffered the consequences for eleven years. He further said that the Chief Election Commissioner had taken an oath to conduct a transparent election but he failed to do so. He further said that this company will not run. People know their corruption. “None of our people went to the National Assembly because results in form 45 are not in form 47,” he said. Nawaz Sharif raised the slogan of honour the vote but later gave up. The JI chief said that their politics is for families while they struggle for Pakistan. Siraj ul Haq said that Jamaat will continue to struggle to respect the people and vote. He said that Jamaat-e-Islami will continue the movement, to strive for supremacy of law.