Actor Arbaaz Khan is a happily married man. He tied the knot with Shura Khan on December 24 last year at his sister Arpita Khan Sharma’s house. In an interview with Indian Express, the actor opened up about how his ex-girlfriend Giorgia Andriani opening up about their relationship was ‘inappropriate’ when he was getting married. He told the publication that him and Giorgia were broken up for two years before he even met Shura. A few days before his wedding, Giorgia had told Hindustan Times, “It took us a long time to make this decision, but we eventually decided to part ways mutually.” However, Arbaaz believes she didn’t have to talk about their relationship and that it was ‘unfortunate and inappropriate.’ “I know some of the recent interviews somehow give the feeling that things were right till the end, which is not true. It is unfortunate that I have to sit here and make such clarification but my previous relationship was over almost one and half years before I even met Shura,” he told the publication, adding, “I had a year of dating period with her. There was no timeline given in those interviews and such interviews make people believe that ‘Oh I moved from this into that’. But that’s not true. I was not dating anyone for almost a year and a half till I met Shura. That is the reality.” Arbaaz and Giorgia dated since 2018 and news of their breakup surfaced in 2023. In December 2023, Giorgia confirmed that she had broken up with Arbaaz and said that they had decided to break up mutually and that she will ‘always have feelings’ for him. She told Pinkvilla, “I think since the beginning we both knew that it wouldn’t have lasted forever. Because we are very different, we both knew that. But neither of us had the courage to admit that.”