Renowned actor Mikaal Zulfiqar talked candidly about his divorce and his intention to stay unmarried for the foreseeable future in a recent interview. Known for his roles in the dramas ‘Jaise Aapki Marzi’ and ‘Chauraha’, Mikaal discussed his personal life with host Wasi Shah on a chat programme. After formally divorcing his longtime partner Sara Bhatti in 2017, the actor answered inquiries regarding his current relationship status and potential for future marriages. She took a firm stand, declaring that he was happy remaining alone in spite of his family’s demands. “I was visiting the United States recently,” the celeb recounted a recent anecdote with his family regarding the subject. “My father said you can find a foreign woman there [for marriage],” Mikaal shared with a laugh. The actor further relayed how he is at a good place in his life right now with his children and feels no necessity for marriage yet. “I don’t really think about marriage now. I have kids, I am at peace,” Mikaal offered before remarking on Wasi’s expression of doubt. “Why do you want me to [marry]?” Fans responded well to Mikaal’s candour and sincerity when he talked about his post-divorce outlook. Supporting comments flooded social media, praising the actor for being so open and wishing him well on his future endeavours. “I would suggest just one thing: get to know the person you’re planning to marry,” the actor dispensed his wisdom. “It’s important to know the person before you consider [marriage],” Mikaal added. The celebrity further iterated how everyone should take their time before taking the big leap. “This decision should not be made in haste Just know the person and know yourself,” he added.