A two-day kite flying, musical event has begun in Dubai. The festival started on Saturday and culminated on Sunday evening. Al Ghurair Exchange has announced hosting of ‘Basant: A Kite Flying & Musical Event,’ a unique spectacle set to foster unity and cultural celebration in the community. The two-day event combines the thrill of kite-flying with a musical extravaganza, aiming to bring together families and neighbours for a memorable experience. The event’s name, Basant, meaning “spring,” reflects a fusion of age-old traditions and the diverse tapestry of the community. Envisioned as more than a festival by Mohammed Al Ghurair, General Manager, Al Ghurair Exchange and Ali Hassan, Business Development Manager and Deepak Bulchandani, Basant serves as a call to unity and celebrates diversity, embodying Al Ghurair Exchange’s commitment to community building. The event promises an immersive cultural experience with vibrant kites soaring high against the sky. With a 24-hour duration, dedicated family areas, and a capacity for over 3,000 car parkings, Basant aims to transcend cultural boundaries, providing a platform for residents to connect and share experiences. The strategic importance of Basant for Al Ghurair Exchange extends beyond celebration, as it becomes an opportunity to strengthen brand identity and engage with the community meaningfully. The event will feature renowned artists, including Abrar Ul Haq and Nimra Mehra, along with the UK band Sahara UK and DJ Sunny, promising a memorable experience. Al Ghurair Exchange invites the media and the community to join hands in making Basant a resounding success, envisioning a festival where kites and melodies unite to create lasting memories.