Indian film actor Vikrant Massey celebrated his Filmfare Best Actor Award with real-life ’12th Fail’ IPS Manoj Kumar Sharma. Vidhu Vinod Chopra’s sleeper hit ’12th Fail,’ starring Massey in the titular role, was one of the big winners at the recently-held ceremony of the 69th Filmfare Awards. Among the five trophies the biographical drama bagged included Best Film, Best Screenplay and Director for Chopra as well as Best Actor Critics – Male for Massey. The ‘Haseen Dilruba’ actor, who has been nominated in the category twice before, was elated to finally bring the Black Lady home and thanked the makers for ‘turning his childhood dream into a reality’. Moreover, the on-screen Manoj met his real-life counterpart to celebrate the win and the two struck a pose with the coveted trophy. Sharing the photo on his social media handles, the Indian public servant wrote in Hindi, “When one Manoj comes to another Manoj to show his Filmfare trophy, then the love increases more.” Thousands of social users liked the post and congratulated Massey on the feat. Starring Massey as the titular IPS officer Manoj Kumar Sharma, along with Medha Shankar, Anant V Joshi, Anshumaan Pushkar and Priyanshu Chatterjee, Chopra’s biographical drama ’12th Fail’ is based on the same-titled 2019 non-fiction book by Indian author Anurag Pathak.