Actor-producer Javeria Saud Qasmi reminisced about her older days in the latest set of pictures shared on Instagram. Javeria Saud took to her Instagram account earlier this week with a bunch of throwback pictures, reminiscing the memories of the good old days of her gracing the covers of Urdu women’s digests. Sharing her old magazine covers of four different issues, the ‘Baby Baji’ star captioned, “Once upon a time #memories.” In her post, Saud also thanked her fellow who shared the old clicks with her. Thousands of her fans as well as the showbiz fraternity showered their love on the now-viral pictures with likes and comments for the celebrity. Some followers even commented saying how they used to fondly read those Urdu digests for past time. On the work front, Javeria Saud was last seen in the blockbuster daily serial ‘Baby Baji’. She swept love and acclaim for her portrayal of entertaining yet annoying Azra – the eldest daughter-in-law of the titular character. The ensemble cast is set to return to the small screen with the sequel, ‘Baby Baji Ki Bahuwain’, coming soon on ARY Digital.