In the recent wave of deepfake incidents affecting celebrities, Nora Fatehi joins the list that includes Rashmika Mandanna, Katrina Kaif, Kajol, Alia Bhatt, and Priyanka Chopra. The actor-performer expressed her concern after a meticulously crafted deepfake video, featuring her endorsing a fashion brand, surfaced online. Taking to her Instagram stories, Nora Fatehi shared a screenshot of the deepfake video and addressed the alarming issue. The morphed clip seamlessly replicated the actor’s voice, body language and overall presentation, making it a convincing challenge to discern from authentic content. Calling out the same, Nora wrote on her Instagram stories, “Shocked! This is not me (sic).” The incident highlights the growing threat of deepfake technology in the country. Celebrities, often targeted for such manipulations, face the challenge of combating convincing imitations that can potentially harm their reputation and credibility.